Friday, March 5, 2010

Going back to Cali

We left the Grand Canyon in our dust and set in for the long drive to California. This was our last long haul drive- 13 hours. We went from Flagstaff, AZ to Barstow, CA to Sacramento, CA and finally into San Francisco, CA.

The drive was spectacular. Who knew that this amazing landscape was out there? From Arizona to California it is all mountains and different kinds of mountains- rocky, sandy, grass covered.

On the docket for today is sightseeing in San Francisco and of course, some In and Out Burger!

Total states: 2

Miles Driven: 795


  1. So jealous. Grub on some In-N-Out for me :)

  2. Love In-N-Out! Eat some fried shrimp on the Wharf too...
